
Start Learning CS - CS50x
Open Source Society University CS Curriculum - OSSU GitHub
Intensive Bachelor’s Level CS Program Curriculum - aGupieWare
Labtainers (Linux Cybersecurity) - Naval Postgraduate School
Fortinet Security Training - Fortinet
Google Training - Coursera
Google SRE - Google
Full-Stack Bootcamp - The Odin Project
Learn Wireshark - FromDev
Learn Jamf - YouTube
Learn Computer/Networking for Broadcast Engineering - SBE
Learn Coding with Mosh - YouTube
Google IT Automation w/ Python - Coursera
Packer + Ansible + Terraform Demo (friendly) - YouTube
6-Part Terraform Learning Course - MASTERMND YouTube
Learn DevOps from scratch - Esc.sh YouTube


Powershell Script Collection - stank58 GitHub

Career Development

Cybersecurity - Krebs On Security
DevOps Roadmap - roadmaps.sh
Compare Compensation in Tech - Levels.fyi
Find a Startup to Join - Angel
Find a Startup to Join (LA) - Built In LA
Cracking the Coding Interview - Book
Companies Without Whiteboards - poteto GitHub
CV/Resume Parser - Join Vision
Monthly Getting into DevOps thread - Reddit
Personal Project Ideas - Reddit
Getting Started with Mac Administration - Reddit
12 Ways to Develop IT Experience - Reddit
42 Hours to Prepare for Jr. DevOps Interview - Reddit
What Hiring Managers Look for (DevOps) - Reddit
Getting into DevOps as a Beginner - Reddit


Ellation Tech Blog - Medium

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